My Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Jai Mohyal 

I hope all my Mohyal brothers and sisters are in good health and positive spirits.

This past month, we celebrated a significant milestone with the successful Inauguration of the Third floor of Mohyal Ashram Haridwar on August 11th, 2024. The event was a testament to our collective efforts and dedication and vision of Rzd B. D Bali Ji. We were honored to have Smt Nita Bali Ji, grace us with her presence and perform the Inauguration and unveiling of the Bust of Rzd B. D Bali Ji. Additionally, Block A was inaugurated by Col P S Dutta on behalf of his elder brother Shri Avtar Singh Dutta Ji, and Block B was inaugurated by Shri P.K. Dutta Ji. The occasion was beautifully coordinated and executed, reflecting the spirit of Unity and Commitment within our Community. I would like to thank all the members of the team who worked effortlessly for this Project.

Looking ahead, we are preparing for the Pratibhashalee Mohyal Vidyarthee Samaan function, scheduled to be held at the GMS Foundation in Delhi on September 15th, 2024. This event is an important opportunity to recognize and honor the outstanding achievements of our youth. I urge all local Sabha Presidents and Secretaries to ensure that the forms for all eligible participants are filled in promptly. It is crucial that we identify every deserving candidate, leaving no one overlooked. This responsibility lies with each one of us, and I trust that our leaders will take it seriously.

On the 94th Birthday of Rzd B.D. Bali Ji, we made a solemn appeal and passed a resolution to ensure that within the next 10 years, no member of our community will remain unprivileged. This is a challenging yet noble goal, and it requires the collective effort of each and every one of us. I call upon all Presidents and Secretaries to diligently work towards this vision, bringing to our attention any cases that need our support.

Wishing good health and happiness to each one of you.

Yours affectionately,

Vinod Kumar Dutt
President GMS

Services of the Mohyal Community